The Regimen

How To Stop First Signs of Aging

This is your aging intervention...

You’re young. Your skin is as wrinkle-free as Ron Burgundy’s suit. The idea of anti-aging skin care isn’t even on your radar. But we’re here to tell you, age happens. Like it or not. Ignore your skin, and you’re on the fast train to trout mouth. If idle hands are the devil’s workshop, an idle face is the devil’s doodle pad. And he’s sharpening his pencil as you read this.

So what’s the game plan for stopping the first signs of aging? Read on, morning glory.

Get cozy with antioxidants

These are the super-heroes of skin care, the valiant agents that protect cells from damage caused by unstable, reactive molecules known as free radicals. Free radicals occur as a result of oxidative stress on the body from exposure to things like environmental pollutants, UV radiation and smoking. These disruptors attach to collagen, elastin and sometimes DNA, and lead to structural breakdown. The damage shows up as wrinkles, sagging skin, dark circles, dull skin, dryness; the signposts of aging. And it starts sooner than you think.

It’s impossible to avoid oxidative stress on the skin, but combatting it with antioxidant skin care is very doable. There are plenty of products touting free-radical fighting actives, but some of the most potent and proven are green tea extract, vitamins A, C and E, caffeine, grape seed oil, and algae, all of which can be found in Vivant’s formulations. At the top of your must-have list: Pure C + E. Make it part of your daily ritual to give your skin a protective shield against age-accelerating stressors.

Don’t wait to exfoliate

Cell turnover is the key to healthy, youthful glowing skin. As we age, cell turnover naturally slows and skin starts to dull, wrinkles form, and the bloom, as they say, is off. So it’s imperative to help the cell turnover process along. The combination of Vitamin A (retinol) and AHAs (alpha hydroxyl acids) give skin a serious advantage in this regard. They are the powerhouse duo of anti-aging, working together to slough of dead skin cells, boost collagen production, restore elasticity, lighten dark spots, brighten skin tone, and smooth fine lines and wrinkles.

In your twenties, exfoliate to unclog pores and prevent breakouts. In your thirties, exfoliate to help stimulate collagen production and stave off the first fine lines and reverse photo-aging. In your forties and beyond, exfoliate to help reduce age spots, thicken and firm skin, and reinvigorate your healthy, youthful glow. There’s something for every skin here.

Go pro

You can do a lot on your own, but to really keep the signs of aging at bay, you need the help of a professional. A regular facial is indispensable. The pros have products and knowledge the average consumer doesn’t, so you’ll get higher-level results tailored to your specific needs. A professional facial is like a mini-facelift on the regular. Facial massage reduces wrinkle-inducing muscle tension and increases collagen-stimulating blood flow. You can give yourself a facial massage as a booster anytime, but the added value of the professional visit can’t be overestimated.

Hydrate inside and out

Skin is made up of cells, which are made up of water. There are those who say drinking water is healthy for organ function, absorption, digestion, and removing toxins, but has little effect on the health of skin. Those people are not Jennifer Anniston. Do what you will with the information, but we’ll err on the side of hydrate. Not excessively, but with regularity throughout the day.

The science is more clear on exterior hydration. Skin dries out from exposure to dry air, sun, chlorinated water, drinking alcohol, and no surprise, aging. You need to replace the moisture to avoid fine lines and wrinkles. Look for products that are non-comedogenic and right for your skin type. The best time to moisturize is right after getting out of the shower or after washing your face, when skin can better absorb products.

Don’t ignore the décolletage

When you’re young, it’s easy to forget that your face isn’t the only area that wrinkles with age. Put all your attention on the main attraction and you could wind up with a serious face to body beauty mismatch. The skin on your neck and décolletage (chin to boobs) is thinner and more delicate, which makes it more prone to wrinkles and sagging, AKA elephant skin. It’s also an area that gets a lot of exposure to age-accelerating elements unless you dress like a nun. So ignoring these areas is a big mistake.

When you’re applying anti-aging products to your face, take them a little southward to cover your neck and décolletage. That goes for the daily sunscreen as well. If you neglect these sensitive areas, they’ll age more rapidly than your face.

A note about products: As the co-developer of Retin A®, Dr. Fulton was a pioneer in the anti-aging rodeo. He combined his patented retinol propionate with AHAs to create Vivant’s revolutionary line of anti-aging, exfoliating serums. If you’re new to advanced skin care, Derm-A-Renew is the perfect starter. For acne-prone skin, Exfol-A is a little more aggressive, and for darker skin tones, 8% Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Serum gives all the benefits without the risk of hyperpigmentation flare-ups.

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